If you are a designer, you would know the pain of constantly sitting at your workstation and working for hours. However creative a workstation may be, sticking to one place can be uninspiring. And, then creative professionals switch to laptops.

I don’t need to recite the advantages of a laptop here, they are known. But, do they give the performance needed on the go? Especially to the designers and creative professionals! The software applications they use are demanding and the way they carry their laptop to get a free hand while they work also differentiates.

Recognizing the pain point of these professionals, HP has come up with innovative solutions that give the freedom and liberty to work with same zest anywhere, anytime.

Let’s see what makes an HP 2-in-1 laptop unique.

  • Convertible
    Convertibles hinge that is strong and adjustable, enabling users to fold back the display against the keyboard. Thus, it offers the convenience of a tablet.
  • Detachable
    2-in-1 laptop has detachable screen to convert it into a tablet. This enables users to easily work on it in any kind of environment.
  • Deeper functionality
    These laptops are especially crafted for performance on the go. With a certification to efficiently run all industry-leading software, it makes it easy to accomplish tasks. Also, multi-layered security features help you to protect your data and identity.
  • Beyond-powerful hardware
    Demanding software needs equally powerful hardware. 2-in-1 laptops are equipped with powerful processors and graphics cards, those enable you to process data and images at lightning speed.
  • Accessories to enhance experience
    Most of the 2-in-1 laptops from HP have touchscreen and have ports that work like docking solution. The Pen Stylus for easy working, premium quality mouse and keyboards for comfortable working, are compatible with these laptops.


Sanbay Networks has HP stores in Hyderabad, offering services across India. We provide end-to-end IT services and solutions for large and small enterprises across all the industry verticals. Our team of experts works diligently to design, deploy and manage services after close and thorough gap analysis of your business requirements. We have helped our customers transform their IT strategy for increased efficiency and reduced costs.