A business analyst has to go through multiple data sets in a day, as they have to interpret and make decisions on based on data. Also, business applications have demanding computing configurations. Thus, if you are a business analyst, you’ll definitely need a high-performance machine.  Let’s see what makes a laptop powerful to handle the workloads of professionals.

  • Processing power
    Look for the powerful processors to effectively and efficiently compute the data. Powerful the processor, faster the results of your computing tasks.
  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
    Business applications require higher RAM to for fast performance. Thus, make sure you choose a laptop with RAM according to the applications you use.
  • GPU
    Graphic processing unit is not only meant for designers, but also for professionals who use tools that offer them graphical representation of data.
  • Storage
    A high storage to store all the data without hampering the processing speed of the applications is must. Thus, choose a configuration with a storage that will accommodate your data without deleting and transferring every now and then.

HP Elite Dragonfly is a sleek and stylish business notebook that is ‘Lighter than air’. With powerful processing and connectivity features, it gives you the best performance and network speed.

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