HP Elite Dragonfly Laptops have already topped the popularity charts amongst the millennials. However, how many of them really think of using it correctly?

Let’s look into certain pointers that would help you to handle your 340S-G7 series with care:

  • Keep the laptop away from pets

This may not be looked upon on a serious note; but when your favorite pet climbs onto the laptop; it’s advisable to discourage this behavior. Cats usually get attracted to the working device’s warmth. However, note that their fur could get into your Dragonfly’s fans. This could, in turn, result in overheating and damage the laptop.

The other point that people tend to ignore is – they eat while accessing the laptop. The bits of food end up falling into the keyboard and give an invitation to ants and cockroaches.

  • Buy a laptop cooling pad

The basic purpose of a laptop is to render mobility. That’s why, as the name suggests, people mostly keep it on their laps. However, “lap” is not the ideal place for putting the device. The lap may act as blockage to ventilation ducts and cause the battery to overheat. That’s why, getting a cooling pad is the best option.

  • Laptops near to magnets? An “Absolute” No !

Every hard drive does have magnets to store data. If your HP Elite Dragonfly is put adjacent to magnet; it could result in magnetic disturbances; thereby causing data loss. So, be doubly sure that there are no powerful magnets in the vicinity of your device.

  • Do not keep any liquid near to your laptop

What’s your frequency of drinking coffee or tea while using your Dragonfly? A hot beverage is likely to cause harm even if you take utmost care to not spill it. Do not keep hot cups on closed laptop. The screen matrix may get damaged.

  • Get your hardware tested at the hands of specialists

Even if you can manage your laptops effectively; you should never ever make efforts to solve serious problems on your own. Do not go for a USB device that gives you vague promise of testing your hardware. These devices do contain capacitors inside. They do charge up on plugging it into your Dragonfly and release power back at the next instant. This power may get transferred to the hard drive and damage it on permanent basis.

We, at Sanbay, are a team of experts addressing every issue that your dragonfly would face. After having Dragonfly from our end, you could be relieved regarding any such issue; as we are there at your discretion.